Sunday, October 11, 2015

Who Am I?

First and foremost I'm a child of God...
I may not be a bible scholar but I can speak the word when days are odd. 
Who am I? Someone whose chasing her dream. Who Am I? The Daughter Of A King. 
I am a fighter whose fighting in the army of the Lord. Who am I? Someone who believes a train is coming and I don't need a ticket to get on board. 
I am a someone whose lost so much but believes by faith it will all be restored. 
I've learned in life if I'm going through hell I must keep pressing forward. 
I am someone whose always inspired. I love to inspire and I live to be a positive inspiration. 
I am on a journey and the road I'm traveling is bumpy, and full of curves but Jesus have taken the wheel and I will get to my destination. This is my affirmation. I'm Just trying to reach my Destiny.....
Who are you really Tiffany? 
I am someone who believes that patience and faith is the key. 
I am a person who believes in all things I hope for but yet I don't see. 
I'm a voice to some, people have said I'm a blessing. I'm a beautiful soul who believes that Jesus has set us free. I am someone who cries when I think about Jesus on Calvary...
I am some who dies daily and carries her cross faithfully. 
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus loves me. 
I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody....
Copyright© 2015
Poetic Tiffany Poet 

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