Friday, January 14, 2011


I am abolishing all negativity…. And focusing Positivity…

I am doing away with all unneeded waste… and doing it at a rapid paste

I have completely detached myself from pessimism and I’m focusing on optimism….

I will not prolong my days in sadness, in spite of the situation; I will always speak of gladness…

I refuse to live in despair, in all situations I’m making a repair.

For all the ones in my life that didn’t last, I will make it my point to keep you in my past…

For all you people that make me snappy, I’m determined to live my life and enjoy being happy.

I have started feeding people with a long handle spoon, all unnecessary foolishness, I will no longer consume.

A lot of people lives consist of drama; I’m ready for change, like President Obama…

So many alterations and people I had to terminate

Hope you don’t get offended, certain rules, I had to regulate…

I’m not trying to discriminate; it’s just certain things in life I really must eliminate.

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