Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tiffany’s Thought’s On Forgiveness

Did you know when you have resentment and an unforgiving heart towards other’s you have and emotional link to that person that is stronger than steel? Forgiveness is the ONLY way to release that link and be set free.

“Forgive your enemies as Christ Forgives us”

Were only human, and with that being said “Forgiveness does not come easy” we tend to hold things against people in protective mode, or maybe it’s a case of Pride. Unlike Our Father, we don’t overflow in forgiveness mercy, and grace, when we have been wronged.

I speak from experience, and when it comes to Forgiveness it’s a very conscious decision and I truly believe forgiveness is a choice we make through a decision of our will, motivated by obedience to God and his command to forgive.

The Bible instructs us to forgive as the Lord forgave us:

Colossians 3:13

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you

When we hold grudges and have a spiteful heart we are usually the ones who suffer. We will feel the completion of the gift of forgiveness when we actually take initiative to forgive. When we do Forgive, The Lord sets our hearts free from anger, bitterness, and resentment and so much hurt that has imprisoned us.

Always keep in mind in order for you to be “forgiven” "YOU MUST FORGIVE”

“It’s better to forgive and forget than remember and resent”


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