Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kindness For Weakness

I have plenty imperfections this I must confess

But One Thing about me is, I’m working progress

Just because you get older don’t necessarily mean grown

But I can’t worry about other’s I have to focus on my own

I refuse to stoop to a childish level, or partake in negativity

If you’re not about positivity and growth I won’t be a part of your activity

I’ve matured in life; certain people want to say I’m acting Brand New

I have come to the conclusion no matter what you do

People will forever hate on you

That’s why I stay prayed up, when hating assurances come through

Through life experiences and people actions certain things, I now see

The talked about Jesus Christ, so they will talk about me

As Christians we have to start building each other up instead of tearing each other down

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good, so you can earn that golden crown

I ask that you don’t compete, hate, be rude or hold a grudge

In the bible it states, Judge ye Not Be Judged,

I have faults, flaws, and limitations, and I’m not ashamed to speak of this

I’m only human, So I ask, Please don’t take my kindness for weakness

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