Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let Go and Let God

To that person who means you harm

Dismiss them, and know your safe in God’s arm

To that disease that gives you’re a horrible feeling

Release it to God, and know through prayer there’s healing

If you’re unhappy and depressed

Make it known to God, he’ll reverse your depressed to blessed

If you’re stressing about how your bills are going to get paid

Take it to God, he’s the perfect aid

If you have a bad habit you can’t seem to break

Give it over to God, all burdens he will take

For those who had lost, and continuously grieving

Turn it over to God, have faith and keep believing

When times get hard and you can’t find your way

Leave it all to God, and patiently wait for a brighter day

So many bad times, I tilt my head down and nod

When Nothing Left to do

But Let Go, and Let God

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