Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Holding On…

Lord I go through things I don’t understand, and it seems there without reason
But I’m depending on you because you’re God of all seasons
Lord I can’t see you but your presence I can feel
I know your right there with me, being my protecting shield
So much has changed, yet things are still the same, it’s like same song different verse
At times I just cry out and wonder can things get any worse
Sometime I wonder through all these circumstances how can I benefit
But I’m reminded God won’t put me in it, if he can’t see me through it
It seems as if life has brought me so many bad effects
But faith kicks in and therefore I don’t worry about what’s next
Lord I know your will for my life is not done
This too shall pass these circumstances I will overcome
Cancelling all worrying anxiety and stress, I will no longer fear
God has ordered my steps, and I will smile and be of good cheer
I’m not giving up, I will keep the faith fall on my knees in prayer
I’m still holding on; know God won’t put any more on me than I can bear

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