Monday, March 14, 2011

Pastor’s Wife

I thank God for our pastor wife; you have many hats to wear

Most of all when I need you, your always sending up prayers

You are more than A pastors wife you have become a sincere friend

You are a committed woman of God that I can always depend

You’re a submissive wife that knows her place

And every time I see you, You have a beautiful smile you on your face

There are times in my personal life when I feel I’m living in despair

If it’s an email, or call I always know you’ll be right there

You have told me we can cry shout and give God total praise

I love who you are; you encourage me that there will be better days

You have a spiritual glow; continue to be a shining star

I truly love and adore you, just because of who you are

You live by example, a devoted spiritual life

I respect and admire you, our beautiful Pastor’s Wife

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